Celebrating Freedom Breakfast – Winnipesaukee Republican Committee

The Inn on Main, 200 N. Main St., Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, 03894

The Winnipesaukee Republican Committee cordially invites you to celebrate the 4th of July with us for breakfast and marching in the Wolfeboro parade. Drawing for the gun raffle at this event Speakers to be announced:$50 each or a table of 8 for $35050/50 raffle: 1 for $5 and 5 for $20 Ruger® GP100® Standard Double-Action ... Read more

7th Annual Wine & Appetizer Event


Please consider this as an invitation to our 7th Annual Wine & Appetizer Event. We are hoping that all of the major candidates will attend. I have not decided on allowing Executive Council candidates to speak as yet. A lot will depend on how many Gubernatorial and Congressional candidates RSVP. However, for candidates who have ... Read more

NHGOP Annual Golf Tournament

Wentworth By the Sea Country Club, 60 Wentworth Road, Rye, New Hampshire, 03870, United States

The NHGOP Annual Golf Tournament at Wentworth by the Sea Online Sponsorships and Tickets CLICK HERE —> https://secure.winred.com/new-hampshire-gop/2024-golf-tournament Send checks to – 10 Water Street, Concord NH 03301

Salem’s Annual Republican Labor Day Picnic

Derry-Salem Elks #2226, 39 Shadow Lake Road, Salem, New Hampshire, United States

The Salem Republican Town Committee will host our annual Labor Day Picnic on Monday, September 2nd. Join us for an old-fashioned cookout that is free and open to all Republicans and unaffiliated voters. Hot dogs, Hamburgers, Corn from Peter’s Farm, Watermelon and soft drinks will be served. This is a great opportunity to meet with candidates ... Read more

Vote Nov. 5th
